Wednesday, October 30, 2024
SAT Testing Day
All Seniors will test in the library
SAT Testing
The SAT is a standardized test used by many colleges and universities in the United States—including those that are test optional. It’s used for admissions, financial aid, placement, and other purposes.
Current seniors are scheduled to test at FHS on October 30, 2024.
End of Course Exams
Seniors need to pass their STAAR exams to graduate. The December administration are scheduled December 2nd through 12th.
- English I
- English II
- Algebra
- Biology
- US History
TSAI2 (formerly TSI)
The Texas Assessment Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) is the assessment instrument used to determine college readiness for non-exempt students, as required by the Texas Success Initiative. TSIA2 helps determine whether you’re ready for college-level coursework in English language arts and reading (ELAR) and mathematics. These are foundational subjects for your other college coursework and results are used to determine courses offered to students. Sign up for testing with your counselor as opportunities are ongoing throughout the year.
Graduation Vender
Jostens will return on November 20th to take order from 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
CPR training is required by TEA. Most Falfurrias High School Seniors completed their training late September / Early October
Any senior that has not taken the training will be scheduled at a later date.
The Texas Community Safety Education Act: This training is required by TEA, the goal of the act is to define the behavior and expectations of citizens and law enforcement during traffic interactions. Training will be scheduled with SRO. Date: Yet to be determined
Visit with your counselor to discuss credits pending for graduation.
Financial Aid
All seniors are encouraged to do a financial aid application, it is called the FAFSA
(Free Application for Federal Student Aid). We will have a financial aid night to help students and parents complete the application.
John Garcia - Financial Aid opens December 1st Financial Aid Night - December 9, 2024 from 5-7:30 pm
Apply Texas - College Applications
John Garcia - Visit with Mr. Garcia if you are needing guidance on Apply Texas.
Visit College websites to find out more information about scholarships that are offered through your school of choice.
Be on the lookout for information sent to student GMAIL Account and morning announcements.